Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Nerd's Take - The iPad: Apple's Latest Victory?

It is getting pretty hard to ignore all of the bad press Apple has been getting over their recent iPad announcement. More than anything, I think Apple's biggest mistake was in allowing hype and rumor to inflate expectations.

Behold universe: All your iLife is belong to us. Pretty please?

For months we haven't heard anything different than that Apple's tablet would be a second coming in the world of tech, but none of the hype was coming from Apple itself - who was content to remain silent on the issue. I'm sure it was great for them to sit back and allow all of the free marketing and speculation; however, without anyone to check them, all of the iFanatics convinced themselves that Apple could do no wrong.

So what we're left with is a 10" version of the iPhone that can't do more than one thing at a time...not exactly thrilling stuff for people who were expecting it to function as a touchscreen laptop without a keyboard. Oh well, this certainly isn't the first time hype has made an otherwise underwhelming product appear fantastic.

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