Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Nerd's Take - Raimi Cuts the Web Loose!

Whoa! Who's spidey sense isn't tingling on this one? I think it is incredible - considering the box office numbers of every other installment in the series (even the train wreck of #3) - that the studio wouldn't give Sam Raimi carte blanche to do whatever he wanted at this point. They must have been monkeying with the story something fierce to make him walk - kudos to him for not feeling like he needs another $100 million in his bank just to put out a bad film. Who here could say they would make the same choice? 

Spider-man has become a bigger than life hero at this point. I guess when you look at how many 2-40+ year-olds worship him, no matter what Sony does they are going to have a hit on their hands...but what a lousy way to go about it. Before long we'll have reboots on top of reboots. The words that make my eyes go wide are "a teenager dealing with...contemporary human problems." Yikes! Characters like Spider-man stay popular because their story transcends contemporary buzz-words, it is something everyone can relate to.

 How's this for a contemporary human problem?

I think it is a crying shame that studio involvement lead to the jumbled mess of #3 and that fans were so quick to throw all of the blame onto Raimi's shoulders. I think studios are the main reason he has always shied away from blockbuster films - at least with smaller movies he can make them the way he wants to. Good luck to you, Mr. Raimi. I'll be in the theater when the lights go down for your next film!

Maybe in twenty years Raimi will get the original cast back together and give us a Spidey dealing with middle-age, that would be cool!

P.S. I'll go ahead and start the flame war now - Spidey 3 is in no way more emo than Dark Knight. "I'll let everyone think I'm a villain, but I'll know in my heart that I'm a hero." Come on, really? Way to make Batman into a fluffy, misunderstood bunny.

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